Give the gift of warmth...
Blood/Clothing Drive
Saturday, December 7, 2019
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Oak Lane Presbyterian Church
6637 North 11th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19126
Please start saving your gently used coats and outerwear (for adults and children), including hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, etc. These items will be donated to the Germantown Avenue Crisis Ministry for distribution to their clientele. And please consider rolling up your sleeve and donating a pint of blood during the holiday season, when blood donations are down, yet demand remains high. We are hoping that having this Drive on the weekend will allow more of our neighbors to participate.
Those who have no outerwear to share, please consider bringing new socks for adults. They will be donated to Senior Citizens at the nursing homes in East Oak Lane and to homeless men at Whosoever Gospel Mission on Chelten Avenue.
Oak Laners have donated over 150 coats each year, so let's carry on the generosity this holiday season.

Give the gift of life...
To schedule an appointment to donate
blood, or for more information, contact
Peggy or Jon Weston at 215-224-4547.