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Buy a business membership for $75, and get a 20% discount on ad rates
for the membership year!
Advertisement rates:
1 ad 3 ads
1/8 page Business card size $25 $65
1/4 page 4 x 5 inches $40 $110
1/2 page 8 x 5 inches $70 $190
Full page 8 x 10 inches $120 $340
With a business membership:
1 ad 3 ads
1/8 page Business card size $20 $52
1/4 page 4 x 5 inches $32 $88
1/2 page 8 x 5 inches $56 $152
Full page 8 x 10 inches $96 $272
Click here for an Ad Purchase form. Fill in the form online and save it. Save your ad as a
.JPEG file (preferred format). Send us the form and your ad as attached files in an email.
Use as the Subject line: Newsletter Ad. Tell us in the body of the email:
The name of the company or person being advertised
A contact email address and phone number for confirmation and any questions
we may have about your ad
Mail payment to OLCAA. Checks or money orders should be made payable to:
Oak Lane Community Action Assn.