The General Membership Meeting (May 23, 2018)
The membership term extends from May 1 to April 30 of the following year. Memberships should be renewed or applied for prior to the general membership meeting, held each May. At this meeting, full members of OLCAA elect community representatives to serve on a 15-member Board of Directors.
Persons interested in serving on the OLCAA Board of Directors must be nominated by an OLCAA member---or may self-nominate---by submitting an OLCAA Board Member Nomination form to OLCAA at least one week prior to the general meeting.
Candidates for the Board must be full members of OLCAA, and must have resided within East Oak Lane for a minimum of one year prior to the election date.
Board members are elected to a two-year term, and may serve for a maximum of three consecutive terms. After a hiatus of one year, they may run for re-election, and the three-term-limit clock begins anew.
Click here for a Board Member Nomination form. Fill in the form online and email it to us, following the instructions on the form. Or you can mail the completed form to OLCAA.
Individuals or organizations who have provided noteworthy service to East Oak Lane are eligible for consideration for the OLCAA Community Service Award. To submit a candidate for consideration, please submit to OLCAA a Community Service Award Nomination form. Completed forms must be received by OLCAA prior to the May 23, 2018 General Membership Meeting. Nominations should be made with confidentiality (do not inform the nominee). OLCAA will advise nominees who are under consideration.
Click here for a Community Service Award Nomination form. Fill in the form online and email it to us, following the instructions on the form. Or you can mail the completed form to OLCAA.
Read "OLCAA's New Board of Directors" by Smiley Ferebee, 2018 Elections chair,
for a more detailed report of the 2018 General Membership Meeting.
Community Service Awardees, 2018

Community Service Award
2018 Recipients
Deb Ahrens Alvin Mitchell
Judy Becker Earlene Mitchell
Eric Brice Freida Williams
Kelly McShain-Tyree
Congratulations -- and thank you!
To read more about this year's
winners, click here.
© 2018 Oak Lane Community Action Association (OLCAA) - Striving to build a better neighborhood